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The master's degree in Environment, Waterand Sanitation – MAASA- based in Polytechnic Schoolof Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) was approved by Chamber of Education of Graduation and Research of UFBA (CEPGP) under Opinion No. 064/08. The MAASA aims to provide training and qualification of people for the environmental management of water and sanitation with anintegrated, multidimensional and interinstitutional perspective; Promote the development of scientific and technological research in the areas of the environment, water and sanitation and meet the demands of the state of Bahia and northeast region in the formation of professors and researchers of the institutions of teaching and qualification of people of Government agencies, prefectures, private initiative and other organized sectors of civil society, in the fields of environment, water and sanitation. The registrations for selection of regular students are opened through the announcement, published by the pro-rectory of research and graduation processing in the secretariat of the Collegiate, obeying the academic calendar approved by the Higher Education Council, Research and extension - CONSEPE.


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